Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Background Noise

What I love most about old photos is the people who didn't know they were being immortalized.

(Best for last)

All from

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Stone Soup

Recently, my frustration in my artwork (and my life in general) is stemming from my attempts to combine the following-

And while this all makes perfect sense to me, I can't seem to articulate it to others without sounding like some sort of crazed baglady hepped up on goofballs, complaining about "kids these days" and the price of milk. Or I really only hit one or two connections, but people draw the rest of the story themselves, and it's completely inaccurate and no one is satisfied. Or worse, I just sound stupid.

As usual, Herriman seems to sum it up wisely-

(Yucky photo with the gloves and goo in a jar is from this interesting article-

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Nov 18

When do you get time to do what you feel you need to do?

When do you get the time to enjoy what you know to be important?

Why do we allow living to be relegated to the weekend?